‘Today’s social science is like the production apparatus of modern society: everyone is within it and uses it, but only the bosses draw the profits. You cannot smash it apart – we are told – without pitching mankind back into barbarism. As a first objection, we might ask who said that human civilisation is indeed capital’s dearest concern. And modern workers know of very different ways of defeating capital, beyond the prehistoric cry, ‘Let’s break the machines!’ In short, big industry and its science are not the prize for whoever wins the class struggle. They are the battlefield itself. And so long as the enemy occupies that field, we must spray it with bullets, without crying over the roses that get destroyed along the way’
Tronti, M. (2019) Workers and capital, Verso Books: London, p.20.
Lefebvre, H. (2014) Critique of everyday life: the one volume edition, Verso Books: London, p.266
'There are writers who have allowed their imagination to be stimulated by what is possible. They have dreamed; they have looked into the future. And what have they seen? Fabulous palaces, buildings, entire cities, devoted to pleasure, cosmic excursions. How many of them have tried to picture what would be in store for everyday life, if bit by bit it were to be raised to the level of what modern technology and science allows. If wealth and power were no longer outside of the community; if those cancerous monstrosities, art for art's sake, thought for thought's sake, power for the sake of power over men, were to disappear?'
Currell Brown, P. (1973) Smallcreep's day. London: Picador, p.24.
'I have heard that in prisons they have no clocks because time is only a burden. In a factory, however, time is like gold, every gramme of it is weighed and then the floor- sweepings too, and factories bulge with clocks... One minute it's 3.53 exactly, and then, just as you've begun to suspect that all the clocks have stopped, it's suddenly 3.54 by every single one of them, without so much as a second's warning, take it or leave it.'