“I have heard that in prisons they have no clocks because time is only a burden. In a factory, however, time is like gold, every gramme of it is weighed and then the floorsweepings too, and factories bulge with clocks... One minute it’s 3.53 exactly, and then, just as you’ve begun to suspect that all the clocks have stopped, it’s suddenly 3.54 by every single one of them, without so much as a second’s warning, take it or leave it.”
Giulia Patricolo
Sarah Westcott
Alexey Adonin
Katerina Neocleous
Kali Richmond
Justyna Tuchorska
Jake Hawkey
Penny Lapenna
Mez Kerr Jones
Mark Coverdale
Connor Orrico
Sobia Zaidi
Shara Francisco
Ana Paska
Ana Javanovska
Tim Kiely
Bolim Jeon
Cristobal Traslavina
Kim Engelen
Rafet Arslan
Jim O'Raw
DS Maolalaí
Ezra Miles
Craig Masters
Teri Anderson
Rosie Piercy
Basso, P. (2003) Modern times, ancient hours: working lives in the twenty-first century, Verso Books: London.
Erikson, T. H. (2001) Tyranny of the moment: fast and slow time in the information age, Pluto Press: London.
Foner, P. S. and Roediger, D. R. (1989) Our own time : a history of American labor and the working day, Verso Books: London.
Komlosy, A. (2018) Work: the last 1000 years, Verso Books: London.
Osbourne, P. (2010) The politics of time: modernity and avant-garde, Verso Books: London.
Stewart, P. et al. (2009) We sell our time no more, Pluto Press: London.