“Today’s social science is like the production apparatus of modern society: everyone is within it and uses it, but only the bosses draw the profits. You cannot smash it apart – we are told – without pitching mankind back into barbarism. As a first objection, we might ask who said that human civilisation is indeed capital’s dearest concern. And modern workers know of very different ways of defeating capital, beyond the prehistoric cry, ‘Let’s break the machines!’ In short, big industry and its science are not the prize for whoever wins the class struggle. They are the battlefield itself. And so long as the enemy occupies that field, we must spray it with bullets, without crying over the roses that get destroyed along the way.”
David F. Noble (2011) Forces of production: a social history of industrial automation, Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick.
Emily Kenway (2020) Getting anti-trafficking advocates on board with decriminalised sex work.
Empower Foundation (2020) 'Sweet, smart, strong and sexy': the sex workers taking a stand in Thailand.
Esperanza Fonseca (2020) A socialist, feminist, and transgender analysis of 'sex work'.
Esperanza Fonseca (2020) The problem with the phrase 'sex work is work'.
Frankie Miren and Laura Watson (2020) The false feminism of criminalising sex workers' clients.
Gavin Mueller (2021) Breaking things at work, Verso Books: London.
Karl Marx, (1887) Capital, vol.1, Progress Publishers: Moscow.
Karl Marx (1973) Grundrisse, Penguin Books: London.
Karl Marx (1955) The Poverty of Philosophy, Progress Publishers: Moscow.
Leo Tolstoy (1904) What is art?, Funk and Wagnall's: New York.
Lucy Parsons (1905) Salutation: to the friends of liberty, The Liberator.
Lucy Parsons (1905) What freedom means, The Liberator.
Raniero Panzieri (2017) The Capitalist Use of Machinery: Marx Versus the Objectivists'.